Ladies beehiving badly

A HAIR of the dog is a phrase that is often used by thirsty revellers, desperate for an extra sip of the hard stuff. But a hair from the head can be equally useful, notes author Deedee Cuddihy, who says: “A friend was visiting and recalled a story her late husband used to tell about his time working for a whisky company in Glasgow, back in the 1960s.

“According to him, some of the female employees used to smuggle out miniatures of whisky in their beehive hairdos.”

(The Diary surreptitiously approves of this cunning criminal exercise. Forget the loose morals involved. When it comes to frisking up the follicles, it certainly beats a dollop of Head & Shoulders.)


Pretentious, moi?

THE award for most triumphantly grandiose comment uttered in a posh accent must surely be presented to the lady whom reader Harvey Scott overheard on the Neilston train to Glasgow.

In a crisply blaring voice she hooted to an equally posh pal: “Can’t meet up tomorrow. I’m in studio. Not yoga studio. TV studio.”


Sleep of reason

TRAVELLING to London King’s Cross by train, reader John Mulholland was disappointed to discover one fewer carriage than expected, so there was standing room only.

Eventually the guard made an announcement over the Tannoy: “As this service is exceptionally busy, would passengers with bags on seats please put them in the overhead storage to free up seats for standing passengers.” 

So far so good, thought John. Though the next part of the announcement made him chuckle: “And would those passengers who are sleeping across two seats please sit up.”

Says John: “I couldn’t help but wonder if the sleepers heard that.”


California gleaming

OBSERVANT Gordon Casely was departing Perth when he spotted a dental practice rejoicing in the name Cherrybank Dental Spa.

“Does this include California-style treatments?” muses Gordon. “Such as facial flossing or a gentle but invigorating teeth massage?”


Jog on

CONGRATULATIONS to Russ Cook, the doughty English gent who recently became the first person to run the length of Africa. (Though we’re reliably informed that he took a few sleep-breaks along the way. However, we won’t hold that against him.)

Reader Chris Roberston says: “I was blown away when I heard about this gritty adventurer. But I was even more impressed when I discovered that he’s ginger. How did he avoid getting sunburn?”

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Wheely impressive

PROUD reader Simon Young tells us: “My first attempt at making a model car was a complete triumph.”