IT is with gut-wrenching sadness that we learned that the heterosexual couple Rebecca Steinfield and Charles Keidan, who fought bravely for the right to have a civil partnership, have lost their challenge ("Couple lose legal battle to be civil partners", The Herald, February 22).

For the judges to say that their human rights have potentially been breached but still ruled against them beggars belief.

My husband and I were honoured to be the first same-sex couple to be married in Scotland on December 16, 2014, and had fought long and hard to have that right. When we, along with other LGBT people and straight allies campaigned for equality we campaigned for equality for all, not just the few. LGBT people have never asked to be treated different, just equal and it's sad that this couple are now not being afforded the marriage and partnership equality we rightly won.

We wish them all the best as they take their fight to the Supreme Court.

Scott and David Barclay,

Ferry Village, Paisley.