"Cybernats", often single individuals representing nobody but themselves, got enormous publicity, used to discredit the Yes side in the 2014 independence referendum (The truth about Scotland and online abuse: 'cybernats' and 'cyberbrits' are just as bad as each other, Analysis, February 19). This was particularly the case in relation to criticism of JK Rowling. Courteous responses from Yes supporters to JK Rowling's donation to and statement of support for the No side, particularly a detailed statement by Professor Nicola McEwen of Edinburgh University, were largely ignored.

While I personally regretted and disagreed with Ms Rowling's position at that time, I appreciated the fact that she made a statement which included both the possibility that she might be mistaken, which was unusual for those on the No side, and apparently sincere identification with Scotland. I enjoyed and value her Harry Potter books, which seem to me to include good political insights.

David Stevenson
